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The Agelasto Genealogy Pages

  AM Agelasto (top left, yellowed) in the New Orleans Cotton Exchange, 1873, by Edgar Degas. The painting revisited New Orleans, Summer 1999.

Hot Off The Press

Yianni Cartledge. Aegean Islander Migration to the United Kingdom and Australia, 1815-1945: Emigration, Settlement, Community Building, and Integration. Dissertation, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences. Flinders University, South Australia, 2024. 'obligatory reading for anyone closely connected to Greek Enclosure project!' - Christopher Long

The deplorable state of West Norwood cemetery, London, is the subject of an article in The Guardian, 31 May 2021.

Cousin Nicolas Argenti's Remembering Absence: The Sense of Life in Island Greece (Indiana University Press, April 2019, 330pp).

Agelasto Family Reunions

Our first family reunion of the modern era, held in London 12-13 July 2008, was attended by about 80 bloodline Agelastos. Events comprised two Greek restaurant meals and a visit to West Norwood Cemetery. Also, following Saturday vespers, the Right Reverend Bishop of Nazianzos Dr Theodoritos gave us a tour of St Sophia Cathedral and its museum; he included a memorial mass for the family after Sunday's Divine Liturgy. The shared stories, documents and photos have been added to this website. We offer some tips on reunion planning. Twenty of us attended a second reunion that was held in September 2009 on the Island of Chios. Narrative commentary and a photo album of the trip are works in progress. Athens Agelastos had two reunions in 2010: April & October and 11 June 2011; 2 June 2012. We held a family gathering in London 14-15 July 2012 (photos).

Honoring our dead from the Great War

August Agelasto; Augustus Dilberoglue; Richard Dilberoglu; Constantine Galati; Ambrose Ionides; Jean Negroponte; Dimitrios Ralli; Paul Rodocanachi; and James Scaramanga.

Genealogy research is at a stand still

Church records in Paris, Marseille and elsewhere need to be examined as do the Digitalized Archives of the Istanbul Rum Community; The Greek Orthodox Church, however, refuses to share with us its records in Istanbul, Chios and Alexandria, nor will the City of Athens let us view several hundred microfilmed hereditary title certificates.

Interesting website to check out:

St Mary's Church, Prestwich, Manchester

Free counters!


Our family was part of the Diaspora from Chios of the families who ran the island's political economy following the massacre of 1822, depicted in the famous Eugene Delacroix painting. The history of the Agelastos of Chios is discussed by Georgios Zolotas & Emilia P. Zolota, Christina Agelasto in her 1983 essay and, of course, by Philip Argenti in his 1955 landmark genealogy, Libro d'Oro de la Noblesse de Chio. The origin of the name Agelasto is explored in a 2008 note by Parker Agelasto.

Formerly royalty (with family crest), Agelastos quickly learned how to make a living by becoming merchants and traders, mostly in grains and fabrics. It seemed you weren't an Agelasto if you didn't go bankrupt at least once in your life, as illustrated in this album of documents.

A photo essay of Chios, Greece, ancestral home to the Agelastos. Click on the map of the Kampos to view photos of former Agelasto properties.

W.E. Gladstone and the Negroponte Affair.

Welcome to our site! - an introduction.

How not to pronounce our name - oral commentary by Athanasios Eumorfopoulos, who discusses the correct and incorrect ways of pronouncing the name Agelasto/Agelastos/Agelastou. Recorded at the Chios reunion, September 2009. You can listen with the Windows Media Player. Our name is frequently misspelled, even in Greek. George Agelastos comments on correcting the name on the Agelasto Street signs in Chios.


If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us at information-s[@] [remove the brackets and hyphens!]. We look forward to hearing from you.


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