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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1 Journal officiel de la République française. Lois et décrets, 27 Jan 1926 p. 1124 (nomination): "Juge au tribunal de première instance d'Aix, M. Malleval (Georges-Louis), avocat (loi du 28 avril 1919, art. 18, 7° , et décret au 20 décembre 1919, art 12." Malleval, Georges Louis (Désiré) (I4047)
2 He was educated at Eton College, Windsor, Berkshire, England.2 He was educated at Balliol College, Oxford University, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England.2 He fought in the Second World War, in Greece, Crete, North Africa and Europe.2 He was member of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission between 1958 and 1964.2 He held the office of High Sheriff of County London in 1960.2 He was invested as a Knight in 1963.2 He was deputy chairman of Gallaher Ltd between 1964 and 1978.2 He was deputy chairman of Williams & Glyn's plc between 1970 and 1983. (The Peerage website.) Hogg, Sir John Nicholson (Malcolm) (I4222)
3 "... a good friend to Selwyn College and the Cambridge Rowing Scene..." The Jerry Agelasto and the Joan Agelasto are two competitive rowing boats held by the Selwyn College Boat Club, University of Cambridge, England. The pair were launched on 13 Apr 2004. They honor him and his wife, Joan, who took a life-long interest in SCBC rowing, as both collegiate athlete and alumnus. See, A.P. McEldowney.A Personal History of the Selwyn College Boat Club. (U.K.: 1972).
Agelasto, John (Tryphon) (I205)
4 "... old Mrs Vassiliadi... was always dressed in black as you say they all were and wore a widow's veil and diamonds..." (Christopher Long) Mavrogordato, Fanny (Michael) (I1335)
5 "... Peter Vlastos lived in Fulwood Park, Toxteth Park [Liverpool]. There were 3 cottages containing 3 gardeners and a chauffeur..." Vlasto, Peter Theodore (Theodore) (I632)
6 "... The Rodocanachi girls' mother [Maria] was a strikingly handsome woman and their grandmother old Mrs Vassiliadi [Fanny]... was always dressed in black as you say they all were and wore a widow's veil and diamonds..." Vassiliadi, Maria Melita (Constantine) (I1339)
7 "...Etaireia Technikon Ergon...ship-repair company was founded in Athens...the widow Zinovia Psycha and two other female investors held 28 percent of its shares." Ioanna Pepelasis Minoglou, "Women and Family Capitalism in Greece, c. 1780-1940," Business History Review, v 81, n 3, pp 534. Salvago, Zenobie (Michel) (I969)
8 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I467)
9 "A betrothal might cement an existing collaboration between business partners from two different families, as occurred in the case of Emmanouel Frangiades, who married Marigo Rodocannachis, the sister of his buiness partner, in London in 1833 [sic]." Ioanna Pepelasis Minoglou, "Women and Family Capitalism in Greece, c. 1780-1940," Business History Review, v 81, n 3, pp 522-523. Family: Emmanuel George (Zorzis) Franghiadi / Marigo (Michael) Rodocanachi (F679)
10 "A good deal of interest has been taken in the announcement by Messrs A Agelasto and Co., shippers of [Manchester], that their business has been transferred to Messrs. Beith Stevenson and Co., Ltd." in Frederick W. Tattersall, "Lancashire Cotton; Position of the Industry" (The Times of India, 25 Apr 1916). Agelasto, Augustus (Cosi) (I41)
11 "A good deal of interest has been taken in the announcement by Messrs A Agelasto and Co., shippers of [Manchester], that their business has been transferred to Messrs. Beith Stevenson and Co., Ltd." in Frederick W. Tattersall, "Lancashire Cotton; Position of the Industry" (The Times of India, 25 Apr 1916). Agelasto, Emmanuel John (John) (I1184)
12 "A well-known cotton broker, previous to his retirement a few years ago..." (The Liverpool Courier, 3 Feb 1908). Negroponte, Constantine (Paul) (I588)
13 "A.M. Agelasto, of the office of markets and rural organization, is taking a week's vacation at Norfolk" ("In Uncle Sam's Government Departments," Washington Post, 2 Jul 1916, p A5). Agelasto, Alexander Alexander [Michael] (Alexander) Jr. (I194)
14 "According to my cousin in Greece, he died in the early 20th Century, either in Odessa or Athens. He was in or coming back from a trip to Odessa" (Christina Vlachos-Edwards) Negroponte, Constantine Jacobus (Jacobus) (I1260)
15 "after a courageous seven year battle with cancer" according to obituary.  Zizinia, Patricia Ann (Andrew) (I3668)
16 "after a lengthy illness" Fischer, Eric Scott (Albert) (I3080)
17 "After his father's death (1939), George became the administrator of Vaslui estate, while his mother established in southern France, in Nice. In 1948, after communism had been installed in Romania, George, already divorced from his wife, intended to go in France, to his mother. The authorities didn't allow him to leave Romania, on the basis of the reason described within the report on George Mavrocordat made in that year by a Security agent, who wrote 'we have to be vigilant and don't facilitate the leaving abroad of a person capable to make connections between the opponents of the regime in the country and the ones abroad' (National Archives in Vaslui, Vaslui Security Service collection, file 6/1948, pages 126-128). George never left the country, worked as a worker in his own brick factory which had been confiscated in 1948, and died in the winter of 1963, poor and alone, buried in Eternitatea cemetery in Vaslui without a funeral stone, because Mavrocordat family has no funeral crypt in Vaslui; that is why his burial place is lost." Lucian-Valeriu Lefter, in correspondence to Vitaliy Sochalov, 1 Apr 2015. Mavrocordato, George (George) (I252)
18 "Agelasto, Alexander, New Orleans, Merchant" is one of the the partners of the Bank of Alexandria Ltd, London (London Gazette 27 Feb 1873). Also included are his brother John Michael of London and his father Michael Pandely of Marseille. Agelasto, Alexander (Michel) (I84)
19 "Agelasto, Michael Pandely, Marseille, Banker" is one of the the partners of the Bank of Alexandria Ltd, London (London Gazette 27 Feb 1873). Also included are his sons John Michael of London and Alexander Michel of New Orleans. Agelasto, Michael (Pandely) (I38)
20 "An American consular dispatch, dated 23/7 March 1879, mentions that C.N. Mavrocordato was acting as agent in wool shipments for the firm of P.P. Rodocanachi in London." Mavrogordato, Constantine (Nicolas) (I567)
21 "An American consular dispatch, dated 23/7 March 1879, mentions that C.N. Mavrocordato was acting as agent in wool shipments for the firm of P.P. Rodocanachi in London." Rodocanachi, Peter Pandia (Pandia) (I2528)
22 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I4003)
23 "An early twentieth-century (1908) listed monument belongs to John S. Schilizzi (1840-1908) and his wife Virginia (1849-1927), née Sechiaris and mother of Helena Venizelos. The monument (TQ 3272 32/1122), situated near the west corner of the burial ground, consists of a sarcophagus with a female statue. A pink granite base supports the veined marble sarcophagus, both of which bear the names of the deceased. The sarcophagus is topped with a white marble female figure, half nude with flowing robes and veiled, abandoning herself to grief. To the rear, pink granite steps lead down to the vault." Schilizzi Stephanovich, John S. (Zannis) (I2562)
24 "An early twentieth-century (1908) listed monument belongs to John S. Schilizzi (1840-1908) and his wife Virginia (1849-1927), née Sechiaris and mother of Helena Venizelos. The monument (TQ 3272 32/1122), situated near the west corner of the burial ground, consists of a sarcophagus with a female statue. A pink granite base supports the veined marble sarcophagus, both of which bear the names of the deceased. The sarcophagus is topped with a white marble female figure, half nude with flowing robes and veiled, abandoning herself to grief. To the rear, pink granite steps lead down to the vault." Sechiari, Virginia (Pandia) (I2587)
25 "At the southeast corner of the cemetery an elegant late nineteenth-century chest tomb testifies the presence of the Antonios A. Vlastos family (1863-1933). The marble rectangular tomb (TQ 3272 32/1113) has a rolled at the edges round-arched top and its pediments are filled with carvings at either end." Vlasto, Anthony Alexander (Alexander) (I1624)
26 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I948)
27 "Bernhardt Widowed; Announcement of Death in Paris of M. Jacques Damala", The New York Times, 19 Aug 1889.  Damalas, Aristide Ambroise (Ambrouzis) (I2206)
28 "Bonnevaine," Greenbank Drive, according to baptism record, the residence of her maternal grandparents. Ralli, Marietta (Alexander) (I1038)
29 "Brig Walter Scott, Leighton, Matamoras 30 ds., with cotton to Negreponte & Agelasto. Oct. 18 [1863], off Tortugas, was boarded by U.S. gunboat Clyde" (New York Times 6 Nov 1863, p 8. Agelasto, Michael (Pandely) (I38)
30 "Brig Walter Scott, Leighton, Matamoras 30 ds., with cotton to Negreponte & Agelasto. Oct. 18 [1863], off Tortugas, was boarded by U.S. gunboat Clyde" (New York Times 6 Nov 1863, p 8. Negroponte, Pericles (Paul) (I2450)
31 "Count Andre de Magnin, of Paris" served as best man at the wedding of Adelaide Tyler Jones and Irvine Rutherford Dickey, Baltimore Sun, 21 Sep 1901, p. 7. de Magnin, André (Paul) (I927)
32 "DIARY OF THE FIRST TRIP TO GREECE OF CONSTANTINE P. CAVAFY, 5 July 1901, Athens: "I returned at about 1 p.m. to Phalerum. In the dining-room I found the Pringos at lunch. They were very friendly. The lot was Constantine Pringo and his wife, his mother, his unmarried sister and Mme Ivanoff. The three last had just arrived from Alexandria." Pringo, Constantine (I541)
33 "Farmer, accomplished musician, vocalist, organist and choirmaster at St George's Anglican Church, Georgetown Christian Reform Church and St Andrews Presbyterian Church Fergus, graduate of Wilfred Laurier University (obituary)." deKleer, George Harold (George) Jr. (I1751)
34 "Festive Family Feud: Doctor Accused of Stabbing as Lunch Ended in Uproar," The Daily Mail (London, England), 23 Jul 1996: "A bitter family feud meant that a wealthy doctor's Christmas lunch was never a picnic, a court heard yesterday. The two sides of Dr Ian Reid Entwistle's family refused to mix beforehand, sat at opposite ends of the table and retreated to separate rooms as soon as the pudding and mince pies were gone. The years of hostility finally turned to violence, prosecutor Jeff Lowe told Liverpool Crown Court. He said a fight between four people ended with 64-year-old Reid Entwistle stabbing his stepson with a 15 in letter opener. Robert Fachiri, 24, a professional diver, suffered a 6in wound to his abdomen which needed emergency surgery followed by four days in hospital. The court was told that the doctor had two sons by his first wife, who died in 1979. In the early 1980s he married Rosemary Fachiri and her two sons and a daughter lived with the couple until they grew up. Robert Fachiri told the court it was traditional for the family to get together on Christmas Day at the doctor's mansion in Gayton, Wirral. It was also traditional for the Fachiris to join their mother in the kitchen and the Reid Entwistles to stay in the lounge until it was time to eat. But in 1994, he said, he found himself being insulted by Alexander, Reid Entwistle's 23-year-old son from his first marriage." He was cleared of the charge; Stephen Oldfield & Andrew Loudon, "Doctor cleared of stabbing stepson," Daily Mail (London), July 31, 1996. Entwistle, Ian Reid (John) (I3998)
35 "First settled in the Cyclades (Tinos,Andros and Syros) and was finally appointed Vice-Consul o Greece in Rhodes." Scaramanga, Emmanuel (George) (I457)
36 "Funeral private by his request. No flowers." Alexandroff, James (John) (I1027)
37 "He left £400 to the Athens Hospital Evangelismos, for two beds--one in the name of his wife and the other in his own name; £300 each to the Scio [Chios] Hospital, the Scio Public School, and the Athens Syllogus for the Propagation of Greek Letters; £200 to the Educational and Philanthropical Brotherhood of Constantinople, all free of duty; his residence, Park Point, with the furniture, plate, pictures, statuary, works of art, articles of vertu, musical instruments, and effects, to his wife...£80,000, upon trust, for his wife, for life, with an absolute power of appointment over £5,000, and subject thereto as to five-thirtieths thereof each for his sons Peter and Michel; and his daughters Marigo and Harriette; seven-thirtieths for his son Emannel; and three-thirtieths for his granddaughter Chariclea; £32,500 to his son Emanuel; £25,500 to his son Michel; £22,500 to his daughter Harriette; £15,000 each to his son Peter and his daughter Marigo; and £10,000 to his granddaughter Chariclea; and legacies to domestic servants. As to the residue of his real and personal estate, he gives four twenty-fourths each to his sons Peter and Michel, and his daughters Marigo and arriette; six twenty-fourths to his son Emanuel; and two twenty-fourths to his granddaughter Chariclea." (The Times [London] 29 Jan 1887; The Leeds Mercury 31 Jan 1887 ran the same story but lessened by £500 the bequest to son Michel). Schilizzi, Etienne (Petros) (I61)
38 "He was knocked down [23 Jan 1908] by an electric car..." (The Liverpool Courier, 3 Feb 1908). Negroponte, Constantine (Paul) (I588)
39 "Hippas" is a misspelling of "Hippias", an ancient Greek name. I don´t think it is an abbreviation or the French version of some other Greek name. Hippias is anyway a very unusual name in modern times, never heard of it before. (George Agelastos) Agelasto, Hippas (unknown) (I1236)
40 "Hyhatia Marie Agelasto" in death registry.  Agelasto, Hypatia Marie (Pantaleon) (I239)
41 "I remember my Aunt Mika, at Nurney, ripping out the Pages from the Family Bible, which my elderly Grandfather had just handed to me. She snatched the Bible from me, and tore out some pages of the Births, Marriages, and Deaths. She said 'Edith will not be interested in these'. What a pity, I was only a little girl, and felt sad about it. I was going to get the pages out of the waste paper basket, so was my mother, but we were both too afraid of my aunt's possible temper to save them. This was the Family Bible that belonged to George & Julia [Eumorfopoulos]; my Grandfather had it after his brother George died. In his Will George was the fairest of all the relations, my mother used to say. I still have the Bible, there are one or two Pages which Mimika missed ripping out!!" (Edith Baker to Michael Agelasto).
Eumorfopoulos, Miminia (Eustratius) (I2718)
42 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I3698)
43 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I3340)
44 "In the Matter of a Deed of Arrangement dated the
26th day of July 1893 and registered the 29th day of
July 1893 between Richard Stanley Seyler as Debtor
and Aristomenes Miltiades Messinesi as Trustee." The London Gazette, 2 Jul 1897, p. 3663. 
Messinesi, Aristomenis (Miltiades) (I2355)
45 "In the southeast corner of the cemetery, three impressive memorial tombs also testify to the glory of the Ralli Brothers: The family vaults of Antonios (1812-1882), Eustratios (1800-1884) and Alexander Ralli (1852-1927). The first monument (TQ 3272 32/1110), a distyle in antis pseudo-peripteral Doric temple, with elements borrowed from Roman and Hellenistic architecture, more closely resembles a Macedonian tomb than a Classical Doric temple. The name and place of origin (the island of Chios) of the family, as well as the date of erection (1876) appear in Greek on the pediment. Regrettably, the designer's name is unknown. The entire building is made of Portland stone. The heavy entablature is decorated with triglyphs and the pediment is surmounted by a stone cross." Ralli, Antonios (Alexander) (I1011)
46 "In the southeast corner of the cemetery, three impressive memorial tombs also testify to the glory of the Ralli Brothers: The family vaults of Antonios (1812-1882), Eustratios (1800-1884) and Alexander Ralli (1852-1927)...The second monument (TQ3272 32/1123) also follows the pattern of a Doric temple enriched with Renaissance elements. The mausoleum was erected in 1875, designed by Edward M. Barry and completed by T.H. Vernon. This is the only monument where the names of the sculptors are known: C.H. and J.H. Mabey of Westminster. The monument made of Portland stone, has a projecting tetrastyle portico that is approached by steps. Carved religious symbols and monograms such as the Star of David, XP and poppies decorate the metopes, which continue all around the building, while the pediment bears an elaborate carved laurel wreath, surrounded by two putti. The other elevations of the monument have pediments filled with sculpted figures. The building is crowned by the dominating marble ribbed dome with fish scale patterning; on its centre a metal cross rises from a rectangular base." Ralli, Eustratios Stephanos (Stephanos) (I2292)
47 "In the southeast corner of the cemetery, three impressive memorial tombs also testify to the glory of the Ralli Brothers: The family vaults of Antonios (1812-1882), Eustratios (1800-1884) and Alexander Ralli (1852-1927)...the third monument (TQ 3372 32/1112) is a rectangular marble chest tomb, whose exact date and designer are not recorded. The Italianate tomb is situated on a wide marble plinth, surrounded by hexagonal bollards with Lombard friezes and conical caps, which are linked by a heavy iron chain with spikes. The long sides of the tomb have two panels decorated with carved laurel wreaths and flanked by pilasters. The flat top of the tomb is surmounted by a raised cross." Ralli, Alexander (Antonio) (I876)
48 "John Agelasto and Stephen Agelasto, church wardens," were with the Greek Minister at Buckingham Palace to give their congratualations on the latter's marriage (The Times [London], 10 Dec 1888). S.A.Agelasto is listed as a churchwarden for Aghia Sophia, 1887 and 1888. Agelasto, Stephen (Augustus) (I106)
49 "John Agelasto and Stephen Agelasto, church wardens," were with the Greek Minister at Buckingham Palace to give their congratualations to Princess Sophie of Prussia on her marriage to the Crown Prince of Greece (The Times [London], 10 Dec 1888; The Observer, 9 Dec 1888, p 3). Other news articles referred to them both as wardens 17 Mar 1888 and to J. Agelasto in Oct 1889. F. Agelasto, a warden, attended the wedding of Princess Sophie and the Duke of Sparta (Chicago Tribune, 28 Oct 1889). Agelasto, John Michael (Michael) (I80)
50 "Lourival, filho de Mário Sares Tavares e de Mirce Arantes Tavares," Diário Oficial da União, 25 May 1939, p. 114, sec. 1; 26 May 1939, p. 57, sec 1. Tavares, Lourival Arantes (Mario) (I4255)

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