Tree: Agelasto
Latitude: 31.2000924, Longitude: 29.91873869999995
BirthMatches 1 to 24 of 24
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
Tree |
1 |
Agelasto, Constantine (Nicolaos) | 02 Jul 1944 | Alexandria, Egypt | I463 | Agelasto |
2 |
Agelasto, Despina (Augustus) | Abt 1874 | Alexandria, Egypt | I617 | Agelasto |
3 |
Agelasto, Eustathios (Stamati) | 01 Apr 1926 | Alexandria, Egypt | I555 | Agelasto |
4 |
Agelasto, Harikleia (Stamati) | 1924 | Alexandria, Egypt | I554 | Agelasto |
5 |
Agelasto, Iphigenie (Nicolaos) | 22 Dec 1942 | Alexandria, Egypt | I466 | Agelasto |
6 |
Agelasto, Michael (Stamati) | 28 Oct 1922 | Alexandria, Egypt | I553 | Agelasto |
7 |
Calvocoressi, Dimitrios (Antonios) | 01 Apr 1864 | Alexandria, Egypt | I634 | Agelasto |
8 |
Casdagli, Xenophon (Emmanuel) | 27 Feb 1880 | Alexandria, Egypt | I200 | Agelasto |
9 |
Constantinidi, Anthony (Sophocles) | 27 Jan 1867 | Alexandria, Egypt | I1322 | Agelasto |
10 |
Constantinidi, Spiro (Xenophon) | 01 Oct 1880 | Alexandria, Egypt | I494 | Agelasto |
11 |
Couclelis, Alexander (Pericles) | 11 Feb 1894 | Alexandria, Egypt | I692 | Agelasto |
12 |
Lagonico, Stephane (John) | Abt 1890 | Alexandria, Egypt | I874 | Agelasto |
13 |
Nicolaides, Irene Constantine (Constantine) | 1911 | Alexandria, Egypt | I462 | Agelasto |
14 |
Pesmatzoglou, Ioannis (Giorgos) | 1 Nov 1857 | Alexandria, Egypt | I1418 | Agelasto |
15 |
Ralli, Constantine (Miké) | 08 Jun 1898 | Alexandria, Egypt | I1298 | Agelasto |
16 |
Rodocanachi, Polyxène (Pandia) | 22 Oct 1872 | Alexandria, Egypt | I1301 | Agelasto |
17 |
Sinadino, Nicolas (Ioannis) | 18 Jul 1861 | Alexandria, Egypt | I94 | Agelasto |
18 |
Syrioti, Anthony John Leonidas (Leonidas) | 10 Mar 1919 | Alexandria, Egypt | I933 | Agelasto |
19 |
Varzon, Marie Pamela | 24 Aug 1919 | Alexandria, Egypt | I931 | Agelasto |
20 |
Zerlendi, Augustus (George) | Nov 1887 | Alexandria, Egypt | I1302 | Agelasto |
21 |
Zerlendi, John George (George) | Abt 1891 | Alexandria, Egypt | I1304 | Agelasto |
22 |
Zerlendi, Miltiades George (George) | Abt 1895 | Alexandria, Egypt | I1305 | Agelasto |
23 |
Zerlendi, Stephen George (George) | Abt 1884 | Alexandria, Egypt | I1303 | Agelasto |
24 |
Ziffo, John (Augustis) | 03 Aug 1865 | Alexandria, Egypt | I281 | Agelasto |
ChristeningMatches 1 to 1 of 1
DeathMatches 1 to 14 of 14
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Death |
Person ID |
Tree |
1 |
Agelasto, daughter (George) | Abt 1920 | Alexandria, Egypt | I1350 | Agelasto |
2 |
Agelasto, Michael (unknown) | Abt Mar 1890 | Alexandria, Egypt | I1541 | Agelasto |
3 |
Agelasto, Nicolaos (George) | Abt 18 Sep 1945 | Alexandria, Egypt | I461 | Agelasto |
4 |
Agelasto, Stamati (Michael) | 22 May 1961 | Alexandria, Egypt | I551 | Agelasto |
5 |
Calvocoressi, Antonios (Dimitrios) | 20 Aug 1885 | Alexandria, Egypt | I158 | Agelasto |
6 |
Calvocoressi, Dimitrios (Antonios) | 1865 | Alexandria, Egypt | I634 | Agelasto |
7 |
Gregoriou, Iphigenie | Abt 28 Oct 1944 | Alexandria, Egypt | I460 | Agelasto |
8 |
Psaronis, Maria | 13 Dec 1974 | Alexandria, Egypt | I552 | Agelasto |
9 |
Ralli, Sappho (Dimitrios) | 10 Mar 1939 | Alexandria, Egypt | I1638 | Agelasto |
10 |
Rodocanachi, Polyxène (Pandia) | 18 Jun 1897 | Alexandria, Egypt | I1301 | Agelasto |
11 |
Varzon, Antonis | | Alexandria, Egypt | I1629 | Agelasto |
12 |
Zerlendi, George (Etienne) | 01 Sep 1901 | Alexandria, Egypt | I116 | Agelasto |
13 |
Zerlendi, Lucy (George) | 18 Jun 1922 | Alexandria, Egypt | I928 | Agelasto |
14 |
[Calvocoressi], Smaragda | | Alexandria, Egypt | I633 | Agelasto |
BurialMatches 1 to 1 of 1
MarriageMatches 1 to 3 of 3
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